Classes & Workshops
Prenatal Program
6-week In Person or Online
March 9th - April 16th
Partner Labour Support Workshop
Breath Coaching Workshop
Core & Pelvic Floor Workshop
Yoga & Breathwork Classes
Exercise Class
Prenatal Nutrition
Essential Oils Guide
Partner Labour Support Workshop
**Birth Prep Class
Feb 16th or Mar 9th
*Private Workshop sessions available
Prenatal Yoga & Breathwork
Jan 29th - Feb 19th
Mar 26th - Apr 16th
6:45 - 7:45pm
(4 weeks sessions)
Can register individually
No yoga experience is needed and all levels are welcome.
Prenatal Breath Coaching Workshop
Mar 12th
6:30 - 8:00pm
The Breath is the only thing that is with you through your entire labour and birth experience.
You can use it on its own, as well as in conjunction with other tools, resources or pain medication.
You will learn all the breathing techniques along with~
WHAT the breath is doing inside the body
WHERE we breathe in the body
WHY we use specific breathing techniques
And WHEN And HOW we can use this continuous internal resource & birth power tool.
Prenatal Core & Pelvic Floor Workshop
Saturday March 15th 1-4pm
Let me give you the knowledge to learn about your core and pelvic floor, to not only contribute to you and your pregnant body on your pregnancy journey, but to the recovery of your postpartum body!
In this WORKSHOP you will learn:
* Support your core and pelvic floor as your body changes throughout your pregnancy.
* Posture and how it affects your core & pelvic floor.
* Breathing
* How to support your pelvic floor, some anatomy, how to lengthen and contract
* Your pelvic floor while pushing.
* Mobility in your hips and pelvis to prepare for labour and delivery, allowing baby to move down into the pelvis.
* How to keep core strength as your abdominal muscles stretch
* SPD/SI joint pain
* Mobility/Movement
* And much more!
*Props provided - bolsters, blocks, straps, chair.
Bring your own mat
Location- Within You Studio
Prenatal Exercise Class
Wednesday Jan 22nd 6:45-7:45pm
The best way to support your core and pelvic floor is through movement and exercise. This class is a beautiful combination of exercise, movement and yoga. Strengthening your whole body, core and pelvic floor dynamically. If you want a body to function optimally in our everyday movement, you need to balance building strength and flexibility.
This class is a great follow up to the prenatal core and pelvic floor workshop, as we reinforce what we learnt. This class can definitely be fully enjoyed without the workshop as we briefly review how to activate and support your core and pelvic floor in movement.
In this class we will be bare foot. We will use a yoga mat and small/long loop bands (some provided, if you have your own please feel free to bring). Please bring a towel. Other props such as blocks and bolsters will be provided
Movement for Mamas
5 week series
Wednesdays 10:15- 11:15am
Jan 8th - Feb 5th
Feb 12th - Mar 12th
Ease back into movement and rebuild your body after baby!
Whether you are newly postpartum, 20+ years postpartum, or maybe recovering and cleared to begin movement after abdominal surgery. This class is for you! Prenatal mamas are always welcome as well!
This series is progressive with modifications to meet your body that day. Each class offers a combination of movement, mobility, yoga, and gentle exercise. A balanced practice designed specifically for your postnatal body; if you have a diastasis recti, weakened core, pelvic floor dysfunction or pelvic organ prolapse, back pain and /or hip pain.
***This class is baby/toddler friendly***
With Chantalle Cloutier
**This class can be attended via ZOOM**
Baby & Me Yoga
1080B Lithium Drive
Group Breathwork
In a group setting, using the power of your breath, you will be guided through a Rebirthing Breathwork Session. This is a safe and natural breathing method which connects us to our subconscious mind; the house of our deepest thoughts, beliefs and desires. This breathing rhythm creates an energy flow throughout the body, washing through any tension or blockages in the system. It restores emotional balance, while relaxing, cleansing and refreshing the human body & mind. This breathing practice can also bring about improvements in health, mental clarity, overall well-being, as well as create healthy breathing habits.
Restorative Yin Yoga
No yoga experience is needed and all levels are welcome.*Prenatal friendly
*Essential oils
*Restorative Props provided
BYOYM - Bring your own yoga mat
Pre-School Yoga & Breathwork
3-Week Session
Ages 3-5yrs
Dates TBD
In a light and fun environment we will cultivate mind and body awareness, yoga & movement, and engage in a conscious breathing practice through fun activities to help them learn this important life skill. When we breathe consciously we bring awareness, intention and attention to our inner experience as well as bringing inner calm and focused energy in the class. There are many benefits created by integrating a conscious breathing practice for kids.
~parents are welcome to join their younger children
*when signing up, input your information as the parent, and you will be receiving a separate email asking for information about your child.
Connect To Your Womb
Contact if interested
The journey of trying to conceive is often thought of with joy and excitement and for some, it does not take long. However statistics show that 1 in 6 women struggle with fertility. What started with excitement, slowly overtime turns to worry, sadness, grief, loss of control, and loss of connection with oneself and partner.
Join me in this safe space to connect with other women trying to conceive.
A guided yoga practice to connect your heart and womb. No yoga experience needed. This class will target your body physically, mentally and emotionally. Working on reducing stress and worry. Moving your body, finding stillness and using meditation and visualizations will help calm the mind and connect with your heart and womb.
Donation Yoga Class
Date TBD
Join this all levels yoga class. This class is perfect for those wanting to begin their yoga journey and those looking to release tension, build strength, and balance.
Throughout this yoga practice for all levels, we will breathe, we will disconnect the mind from the daily mental noise, giving yourself a moment to connect with yourself through movement and stillness.
With Chantalle Cloutier