Your Wellness Practitioners

Melanie Ollivier

Founder & Co-Owner New Earth Wellness

Cerified Birth Doula CD(DONA) . Certified Breathwork Practitioner . RYT200hr . RPYT . Access Bars Practitioner

I am a partner, wife, mama to my fur babies, mama to my first child, and forever a student gaining more knowledge and experience with each step in my life’s journey.

I am here to share my teachings and offerings and to empower individuals to take back control of their lives, through the breath, mind, body & soul. To realize the capacity you have and learn how to use it. To tap into your true potential, living the human experience to its fullest and embracing every moment and every opportunity that presents itself. 

My passion is in Doula work, and when I first created the Prenatal Program in 2020, I realized there was a huge gap in educating and informing birthing individuals about their choices and contribution to their own birth experience. I am here to inform, empower and build confidence in expecting individuals during pregnancy & their birth to create the most positive experience.

My wellness journey started over 10 years ago when I fell in love for the physical yoga asana practice. The more I practiced, the deeper the connection got with all aspects of myself. Never really knowing what I wanted to do in life, I finally had a strong calling to pursue Yoga Teacher Training. So in January 2016 I decided to venture to Costa Rica where I got my 200hr RYT Certification with Paula Tursi through Reflections Centre for Conscious Living & Yoga.

I knew Yoga was just the start of my Wellness path when I was introduced to Rebirthing Breathwork. My first Rebirthing Session literally changed my life. Healing past traumas in just one session, I knew I needed to dive deeper into Breathwork outside of the regular yoga pranayama practice, so I could share this transformational healing modality with my community and the rest of the world.

In 2018 is when I started my intensive Breathwork Practitioner Course, studying under world renowned Breathwork Master, Healer & Teacher Dan Brule. Specializing in Rebirthing Breathwork, I acquired my Breathwork Practitioner Certification in January 2020. I am currently offering Private & Group Rebirthing Breathwork, as well as Corrective, Prenatal, and Performance Breath Coaching & Training with individuals, groups, classrooms, corporate and sports teams. My passion is to show people that the breath literally supports us in whatever it is we are doing, and our breathing habits and patterns can literally change the way we function.

From Yoga to Breathwork to Energy Work as an Access Bars Practitioner, a whole new world was opening up for me.

Becoming pregnant in March 2020, I really wanted to work with where I was in life. I went on to acquired my Prenatal Yoga Certification with Julia Forest under Awakened Spirit Yoga as well as completed my Birth Doula Training through DONA International in July 2020, & I’m currently working towards my Doula Certification. This training was not only to contribute to this new chapter in my own life, but to share my knowledge and teachings with the community.

My work and services has always and will always be for all living beings. Recently going through my own journey, there is a sacredness in and around childbirth that is calling me to work more deeply with those that are expecting, and contributing to their journey and birth experience.



Chantalle Cloutier

Co-Owner New Earth Wellness

BScN . Birth Doula . RYT 200hr . Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

I am a wife and mother to two beautiful children, and a 11 year old husky mix.

I graduated from Lakehead University as registered nurse in 2009. I have a passion for helping people. I have been working as an acute care Registered nurse since then.

My journey finding yoga started 10 years ago when I was introduced to the physical yoga asana practice. The more I practiced, the more things inside me began to change.  I had this longing to dive deeper into learning more about yoga. In September 2014 I received my RYT-200 under the guidance of my esteemed teacher Prasad Rangnekar with Yogaprasad Institue.

In 2019, I began my prenatal & postpartum corrective exercise specialist course. I completed and became certified in January 2020. I began this training after having postpartum health issues with my first child in 2017. After not being assessed and being left to feel that this is all going to be my new normal, I refused to accept that this going to be the rest of my life. I want to offer quality information and to help bridge the gap on postpartum recovery. My goal for prenatal & postpartum care no matter how many years it has been, is to empower you to take back control of your body and life. Being a mom should never be a life sentence when it comes to our body. 

I love teaching, and helping others connect to their light within. I truly believe that connecting and healing our body is an inward journey. My passion is working with women, as they reconnect and learn about their new body. There is something truly authentic about this journey and discovery.

I went on to acquire my birth Doula training through DONA International in October 2022. This training was just another stepping stone to grow and share my knowledge and teachings.

I really love to encourage my students and clients to tune into their bodies, and work with the body they have in the present moment. How it moved and what it needed yesterday, may be different today. It is important to be kind to ourselves, and trust. You are unique, and you deserve to live your authentic life.