Basic Beginner Breath Class Series

Video Series

In this progressive series, you will be introduced to the basic foundations & applications of breathwork. You will quickly learn how the breath can support you and your body just by connecting with it. By using your breath you can increase energy levels & focus, reduce stress & anxiety, improve sleep & creativity, eliminate toxins, increase performance and so much more. 

Taking control of your breath gives you the opportunity to take back control of your life. 

This series is tailored for anyone who is new to breathwork or anyone who just wants to get back to basics and refresh.

We will be opening up our breathing spaces & breathing capacity, exploring how our breath moves and supports us using different breathing exercises and techniques, and gain more of an understanding and knowledge of the breath and the power it has over our entire mind-body system. 

​with Melanie Ollivier

Cost: $30


Breathwork Services


Prenatal Breath Class Series