Group Breathwork Experience

In a group setting, using the power of your breath, you will be guided through a Rebirthing Breathwork Session. This is a safe and natural breathing method which connects us to our subconscious mind; the house of our deepest thoughts, beliefs and desires. This breathing rhythm creates an energy flow throughout the body, washing through any tension or blockages in the system. It restores emotional balance, while relaxing, cleansing and refreshing the human body & mind. This breathing practice can also bring about improvements in health, mental clarity, overall well-being, as well as create healthy breathing habits.

Date TBD


Breathwork on the Water

Relax, cleanse and refresh your being with weekly Breathwork on the water. In these Breathwork sessions you are invited to take part in your own breath experience. Meeting yourself exactly where you are each week, engaging in meditative awareness of the breath and body - witnessing whatever arises in your breathwork process; mentally, physically, emotionally. You will be guided through 45min of breathwork followed by a 15min meditation/integration.

Dates TBD

Waterfront at Pier 2 / Viewing Circle



Breathwork Services