
Access Bars

What would it take

For you to allow yourself

To completely relax

And surrender to the possibility

Of something greater?

Access Bars have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life including sleep, anxiety, stress, health and weight, money, sex & relationships, hopes & dreams and so much more. In an Access Bars session, a practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head over the course of an hour, allowing your brain waves to slow down. During your session, this incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, will contribute to undoing limitations in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change. Like deleting files off a computer that you no longer need. It allows you to perceive your life, body and relationships with clarity and ease, creating more happiness, joy, peace and space in your life for more of whatever it is you're looking for. Even if it's just a little more relaxation in your life.

1hr Access Bars session - $75

** prices not including tax

with Melanie Ollivier